Does my order need to go through customs if ordered from US?

As long as stock is available, we dispatch our orders from our local distribution warehouses.


Handling time is the number of business days between when you make your payment for an item and when your package is scanned by the shipping carrier. Please keep in mind all orders must go through our Quality Control process, ensuring (no faulty cap construction, loose fibres, proper stitching) which takes roughly between 4-7 business days, reiterated in your confirmation email once you purchase a piece. The quality of your piece is our utmost priority. 


Pre-orders are purchased when an item is currently out of stock but the client would still like to secure an order as soon as it arrives back in stock. Pre-orders require full payment in advance. A colour variant change is permitted within the waiting period of the item to arrive in stock. Clients are able to cancel and receive a refund for their pre-order by contacting support with their order number as long as the pre-order has not been shipped. Clients are informed of the duration the pre-order will take to arrive upon ordering. Each piece varies in restocking dates.


Please note that due to a large inventory, not all item(s) are available at the time of order placement and do need to come from our international suppliers. Some item(s) may also be placed on backorder and you will be notified of this.



( Any order over $300 requires a signature upon release)

On eligible orders over $75 when shipping within USA.

USA DOMESTIC STANDARD ( All shipments require signature release) :

$11.95 Standard via USPS

It usually takes between 7 to 10 business days for standard delivery not including handling time.


$24.95 Expedited Via  USPS / UPS / FedEx  

( All shipments require signature release)

Expedited deliveries take between 3-6 business days not including handling time.

All prices are in US dollars ($USD)



If you are purchasing an international order you may experience import/customs fees on your order. Please keep in mind Chiquel has no control over individual country customs fees.

The amount of actual Import Fees charged by Customs authorities will vary depending on multiple factors. These include Customs regulations in the given destination, the product category and price.



For shipments delivered to a wrong address due to bad address information provided by the customer is not refundable.  There will be a flat fee of $20 charged for time and postage. Shipping and handling charges are non-refundable in the event of a return of any kind.  Items will be reshipped at the customers expense or the order will automatically be treated as a return under our return policy.


Cancellations are only available within 24 hours of order placement.

NO Cancellations or changes are accepted after this time period.

Why we are unable to accept a cancellation, or changes after the 24 hour period?

Due to the large inventory of colours and styles, all orders are put through a series of quality control processes, once these processes have begun, it is very difficult to pull from the quality control team individually before being picked up by the mail courier.


All items are photographed and inspected by our quality control department before the item(s) are sent to insure the item is in perfect condition.


We aim to provide the highest quality, but from time to time something may go wrong. In accordance with the Domestic Law, we reserved the right to repair a minor fault or minor problem.

In accordance with Domestics Law, consumers must give the supplier the chance to fix the problem. It is at the discretion of Chiquel Pty Ltd to:

  • provide a replacement that is identical, or of similar value
  • repair the product within a reasonable time, or
  • give a refund.

In the case of genuine manufacturing fault, if we are unable to provide a replacement of the identical item/colour, only then will a refund of all costs incurred will be issued back to your original method of payment.

The consumer’s rights to a remedy apply to the replacement product in the same way as the original product.

Please note a manufacturing fault does not include general wear and tear.


Please note that sizing may change from each style, even if the item(s) are shown in the same cap size in the description, this can be due to various factors of the material it is in made in. Please take our sizing as a guide only.


Please be aware that due to different screen resolutions colours may vary. This image is intended as a guide only.

Colour shows up slightly different based on hair fiber or style. Each colour swatch or photo shown can vary from screen to screen as well as production batch as components of the wigs are handmade. Human hair wigs do require styling once received to achieve desired looks.


Please note that some item(s) will be shipped in a personalised Chiquel packaging, if requested original box can be supplied.